Represented by: Jordi L. Vidal

PL. L. Morichar, 52; 1060
Brussels - BE

Phone: +32 478329978
Mobil: +32 478329978


Note: Jordi L. Vidal propose you performances that combine: • the theatre and its journey in the time • the circus and its journey in the instant • the dance in its journey in the dream. Our creations are suitable for indoors and outdoors and accessible to all kind of audiences and schools. Its creative horizon reaches all arts. The company has experience with crossbreed movement with chamber music ensembles, video creations and art installations… Currently touring shows are: • "Ooups! " beat box, acrobatics and juggling • "Chrysalis" dance and acrobatics • “Beat box and rhythmic dance” interactive show With over 500 representations, the shows were presented at numerous dance, circus, street theater… festivals, everywhere in Europe, but also in Mali, Morocco and Brazil.