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21 / 12 / 2024 | 1345 members
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Typology Country Anno  

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To OPEN the city gates to street arts means to bring out the value of open air spaces assigned to social life, to enforce the cohesion inside communities, to improve the local tourist activity, to create new routes for exchange and integration between European countries.

The creation of a international debate, the comparisons between normative and laws, different urban patterns and policies for development and support of street arts, will drive to a new consciousness and will produce new stimulus in administrators and art operators. This route could not be undertaken on a simple regional or local level. Our country, now, is Europe!

Country | Typology | ..... Denomination | ..... Shows | ..... Representative | ..... City | .....    

........ ..... Company..... Gavin Hay The Leopardman..... ..... Myself..... Zagreb


........ ..... Company..... Geisslers Hofcomoedianten Kuks..... ..... Petr Hašek..... Praha 1


........ ..... Company..... Gemy..... ..... Alessandro Gimelli..... Cisliano


........ ..... Company..... GeraCircus..... ..... Sandro Sassi..... Casalecchio di Reno ...


........ ..... Artist..... GeraCircus..... ..... Sandro Sassi..... Casalecchio Di Reno


........ ..... Company..... German American..... ..... Marcus Halbig..... Strasswalchen


........ ..... Artist..... Germany..... ..... Marie Faust..... Berlin


........ ..... Company..... Giacomo Paris..... ..... Giacomo Paris..... Granada


........ ..... Company..... GIANCA CLOWN..... ..... Casati Giancarlo..... Olginate


........ ..... Company..... Gifant..... ..... Gifant ..... Oosterzele


........ ..... Company..... Gilad Shabtay..... ..... Gilad Shabtay..... Berlin


........ ..... Artist..... Gino lanzieri MAGIC COMIC STRE........ ..... Luigi lanzieri..... Potenza picena (MC)


........ ..... Company..... Giò Minore..... ..... Cantante Melodico It........ Cantù ( COMO )


........ ..... Festival..... Gioca la luna..... Manuel Pucci..... San Benedetto del Tr...


........ ..... Shop..... Giocoloco..... Giocoloco snc..... Ascoli Piceno


........ ..... Festival..... Girovagando estival..... Michèle Kramers..... Sassari


........ ..... Artist..... Giulio Linguiti..... ..... Giulio Linguiti..... Torino


........ ..... Company..... GIULIVO CLOWN..... ..... David Bianchi..... Londa - firenze


........ ..... Company..... giullari del diavolo..... ..... Stefano Catarinelli..... Foligno


........ ..... Company..... Giullari del Diavolo..... ..... Stefano Catarinelli..... Foligno


........ ..... Festival..... Giullarte..... Aldo de Martino..... Castellammare di Sta...


........ ..... Company..... good fairy Violeta..... ..... Ljubica Terzic..... Novi Sad


........ ..... Company..... GRAN TEATRO DEL CLICK..... ..... Silvio Gioia..... Ceglie Messapica ...


........ ..... Company..... Grant Goldie..... ..... Grant Goldie..... Belfast


........ ..... Company..... Gromic..... ..... Michaël Gueulette..... Barcelone


........ ..... Artist..... Gunter Rieber ART KLAMAUK..... ..... Gunter Rieber..... Pratovecchio AR


........ ..... Company..... Hagar Shapira..... ..... Ronen Shapira..... London


........ ..... Company..... Happy Day..... ..... Stefano Tocchio..... Rieti


........ ..... Artist..... Harry..... ..... Jam Juggle..... Windsor


........ ..... Company..... Hendrik&co..... ..... Danie jordens..... Hasselt


........ ..... Company..... Herbert Faulhaber..... ..... Rainer Bauer..... Darmstadt


........ ..... Company..... Herr Konrad..... ..... Philipp Marth..... Hamburg


........ ..... Company..... 'Het wandelend huis'..... ..... Lisette van Gemert..... Haarlem


........ ..... Company..... histoires publiques..... ..... Aurore Latour..... Bruxelles


........ ..... Company..... Hiyro..... ..... Hirofumi Tsubomoto..... Tokyo


........ ..... Company..... Holland..... ..... Luc Caesen..... Eindhoven


........ ..... Company..... Hoopelaï..... ..... Andréanne Thiboutot..... Tubize


........ ..... Company..... HORTZMUGA TEATROA..... ..... Pio Ortiz de Pinedo..... Zaratamo (BIzkaia)


........ ..... Company..... Hram..... ..... Melanie Munsch..... Split


........ ..... Company..... Hula hoopla !!!..... ..... Julot Etienne Philip........ Pantin


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Creative Commons License

OPEN STREET - Anno 2024 - Association International Sans But Lucratif - Rue Washington 40, Ixelles - 1050 Bruxelles (BE) - infoopen-street.eu