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21 / 12 / 2024 | 1345 members
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To OPEN the city gates to street arts means to bring out the value of open air spaces assigned to social life, to enforce the cohesion inside communities, to improve the local tourist activity, to create new routes for exchange and integration between European countries.

The creation of a international debate, the comparisons between normative and laws, different urban patterns and policies for development and support of street arts, will drive to a new consciousness and will produce new stimulus in administrators and art operators. This route could not be undertaken on a simple regional or local level. Our country, now, is Europe!

Country | Typology | ..... Denomination | ..... Shows | ..... Representative | ..... City | .....    

........ ..... Festival..... Curtcirckit Festival de circ d........ Artistic director..... L'Hospitalet Ll. (Ba...


........ ..... Company..... Cycling Circus..... ..... Ina Queiss..... Amsterdam


........ ..... Company..... D´akipayá Danza..... ..... Paula Carmona Jiméne........ Córdoba


........ ..... Company..... Dado..... ..... Dado..... Oer-Erkenschwick


........ ..... Artist..... Daigoroperformer..... ..... Stefano Dalessandro..... Cormano


........ ..... Festival..... Dall'isola dell'isola di una p........ Susanna Mannelli..... Carloforte


........ ..... Artist..... Damiano Massaccesi..... ..... Damiano Massaccesi..... Filottrano


........ ..... Company..... dance..... ..... Miyako ishidate..... Berlin


........ ..... Company..... Daniela & Marcello..... ..... Marcello monaco..... Bassum


........ ..... Company..... Dante Cigarini..... ..... Dante Cigarini..... Reggio Emilia


........ ..... Company..... dANTE OR dIE Theatre..... ..... Terry O'Donovan..... London


........ ..... Artist..... Danze in Cerchio..... ..... Eliane Cecilia Picca........ Milano


........ ..... Company..... Daredevil Chicken..... ..... Anne Goldmann..... Sonoma


........ ..... Artist..... Dario Montini..... ..... Dario Montini..... Riccione


........ ..... Company..... Darwin Juggling..... ..... Darwin Pimentel..... Basel


........ ..... Agency..... David Berga..... David Berga..... Vilobí D'Onyar


........ ..... Company..... David Berga Management..... ..... David Berga ..... Vilobí d'Onyar


........ ..... Artist..... David Fekete..... ..... David Fekete..... Tiszafüred


........ ..... Company..... DCP The David Cassel Project..... ..... David Cassel..... Berlin


........ ..... Company..... De Bastiani Puche..... ..... Salvador Puche..... Padova


........ ..... Festival..... De Gevleugelde Stad Ieper..... Frank Poelvoorde..... Ieper


........ ..... Festival..... De Tuin der Lusten..... Casper de Vries..... Vilsteren


........ ..... Company..... Deabru Beltzak..... ..... Garbitxu..... Bilbao


........ ..... Company..... Debote Enbote..... ..... Gorka Pereira..... Bilbao


........ ..... Company..... Decalages..... ..... Judita Hoffmanová..... Prague


........ ..... Company..... DeFO asbl..... ..... Steppé Laurent..... Liege


........ ..... Company..... DEK.RU..... ..... Liubov Cherepakhina..... Kiev


........ ..... Company..... Delikatessen duo..... ..... Moreno Raspanti..... Civitella in val di ...


........ ..... Company..... Demenzio..... ..... Fausto giori..... Niardo


........ ..... Company..... Deposito Bagagli..... ..... Rebecca D'Andrea..... Vittorio Veneto


........ ..... Company..... Derek McAlister..... ..... Franky J Kabaam!..... Zurich


........ ..... Artist..... Designer..... ..... Clinton Lord..... Douglasdale


........ ..... Company..... DESPERATE MEN..... ..... Jon Beedell..... Bristol


........ ..... Company..... Deus ex machina..... ..... Fred Delaunay..... St Brevin l'Ocean


........ ..... Company..... Deux à la Tâche..... ..... Pamela Democrito..... Catanzaro


........ ..... Agency..... dGira Sandra Bonilla..... Sandra Bonilla..... Higuera de la Sierra


........ ..... Company..... Di Filippo Marionette..... ..... Remo Di Filippo..... Offida


........ ..... Company..... Die Artistokraten..... ..... Martin van Bracht..... Berlin


........ ..... Company..... Die BlechHarmoniker..... ..... Ulf Engelhardt..... Cologne


........ ..... Company..... Dino Lampa..... ..... Davide Marmorale..... Weinheim


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Creative Commons License

OPEN STREET - Anno 2024 - Association International Sans But Lucratif - Rue Washington 40, Ixelles - 1050 Bruxelles (BE) - infoopen-street.eu