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Ordina QUI la guida completa all'arte di strada in Europa... Un vero e proprio vademecum per chi vuole conoscere più da vicino lo spettacolo di strada europeo o ha bisogno di trovare nuovi canali per diffondere le proprie attività nel contesto internazionale.

L'Agenda Europea dei Festival delle Street & Circus Performing Arts aggiornata mese per mese

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Sabato 15 Maggio 2010

The "Open Street" project was officially presented at "Namur En Mai", facing an audience of professionals and artists from all parts of Europe. The Mayor of Montegranaro Gastone Gismondi, and Councillor for Culture of Namur Anne De Gand they exchanged good wishes for a fruitful cooperation. Herebelow you find the discourse by Alessio Michelotti, director of the Italian Federation of Street Arts.

"Les arts de la rue ont un potentiel énorme en Europe, une incroyable capacité d'influencer notre société, d'en saisir les transformations, de définir notre identité culturelle à travers la vivacité des espaces de vie de nos communautés, de construire notre identité européenne à partir de la valorisation du patrimoine culturel de chaque pays. Dans cette vision, les opérateurs du secteur et les artistes ont une grande responsabilité en accomplissant leur travail.

Alessio Michelotti - FNAS

NAMUR EN MAI: Il Festival dello spettacolo urbano

15° Edition - 13 / 16 Maggio 2010




“OPEN Street - Street Arts European Forum” presentazione e dibattito

The Meeting Pro 'is a transnational showcase of Street Arts! A friendly debate between cultural professionals, politicians, creators of new horizons. An exchange of experiences related to the street arts. A talk time of 2hr !

Le Festival des Arts forains ©

From 13 to 16 May 2010, in the sumptuous setting of Namur, actors and tumblers, dream merchants and illusionists will transport you to the heart of emotion and the real pleasure of the Fair! For four days and four nights during the week-end of Ascension, the centre of Namur is reserved for actors and spectators, motor traffic is banned. The 50 shows and attractions take place everywhere in the streets, courts, gardens, shops, theaters on precise layout and schedules. Half the shows are free. Each day of the Festival ends in "Cabaret forain". Ladies and gentlemen, roll up, roll up. Come and discover a world of illusion and rediscover the child inside…

This is a place to be dazzled…. this is a place to dream… Everywhere you look, there’s laughter and fun! "Namur en Mai" Le Festival des Arts forains will be setting up its big tents, its carrousels and its trestle tables from 13st to 16th May 2010. Over 4 days, in the stunning surroundings of Namur, the capital of Wallonia, 300 artists, actors and acrobats, dealing in dreams and illusions, will take you on an emotional rollercoaster with all the fun of the fair – and all for not more than a few Sous!

The purpose of Namur en Mai, le Festival des Arts forains is to celebrate the modern creativity inspired by fairs and entertainers; to revel in the variety and international feel of the language of art; to experiment with and bring to the stage new theatrical and visual experiences; to give young creative talents just starting out a helping hand. Open to everyone, the Festival puts on a wide range of shows, some of which are free of charge, and Namur en Mai shares the fundamental idea that creativity is a vital element in our society, and the key to everyone discovering his or her own value.

The Festival takes place in the centre of Namur over the 4 days of the Ascension long weekend. The whole area is cordoned off for the actors and spectators and traffic is banned. The 70 shows and performances on the programme take place all around you, in squares, courtyards, streets, gardens, car parks and theatres, all in exactly the right place at exactly the right time, according to the schedule. Every day, the festival closes with music at the Cabaret forain.


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OPEN STREET TUBE, l'archivio video dello spettacolo dal vivo europeo

Il luogo di incontro tra chi vende e chi compra spettacoli dal vivo in Europa

CARICA le tue produzioni è mettile in vetrina sull'OPEN STREET TUBE per proporti ai festival di tutta Europa.

PARTECIPA alle Vetrine Internazionali periodiche per testare online l'interesse degli operatori verso le tue proposte artistiche.

Aprire le porte della città alle arti performative significa evidenziare il valore degli spazi urbani destinati alla vita sociale, rafforzare la coesione all'interno delle comunità, incrementare l'attività turistica locale, creare nuovi percorsi per lo scambio e l'integrazione tra i diversi paesi europei.

La creazione di un dibattito internazionale, il confronto tra leggi, normative, modelli di strategia urbana e politiche per lo sviluppo delle arti performative potranno condurre ad una nuova presa di coscienza e produrrà nuovi stimoli per amministratori e operatori artistici. Tale percorso non potrebbe essere intrapreso ad un semplice livello regionale o locale. Il nostro paese, ora, è l'Europa!

Creative Commons License

OPEN STREET - Anno 2024 - Association International Sans But Lucratif - Rue Washington 40, Ixelles - 1050 Bruxelles (BE) - infoopen-street.eu