Hanno suonato in Brasile,
Messico, Giappone e nei più
importanti festival di tutta
Europa riscuotendo ovunque
valanghe di applausi. Sono
loro! Sono gli Jashgawronsky
Brothers e sono tra gli
inventori del genere musicale
più strano del mondo: la musica da riciclo! Usando strumenti
creati con materiali di uso comune, riescono ad ottenere
suoni incredibili e fare musica con scope, imbuti, barattoli,
cucchiai, piatti, bicchieri, tubi e cestini.
Dopo aver esplorato i “suoni”
della cucina, eccoli pronti ad
affrontare il mondo della
lavanderia: batteria stendino,
lavatrici e spazzoloni
contrabbasso, ferri da stiro
fumanti e molto altro. In
occasione del loro decimo
anniversario, gli Jash
raddoppiano: Sei fratelli al posto di tre!
Radio Armeniac è uno show dove la musica e il
circo si incontrano per dare vita ad un’ora e mezza di
comicità moderna, giocoleria, acrobazie ed un tocco
di “sensualità”. Insomma: lavatevi bene le orecchie e
godetevi lo spettacolo più unico del mondo!
Radio Armeniac: washing sound machine
from dirty space! Da non perdere!
Luci: 24 PC 12 front 12 back. Colour filter: blue, orange, amber, pink
Audio: P.A. System fit for the venue
01 24 ch analogic mixer 4 aux or 1 digital mixer 24/8 ( 01v96 with expansion, LS9 ecc)
01 digital multieffect
01 graphic equalizer 31 bands 1/3db ottava stereo
01 electric guitar amplifier. Preferred: Fender 65 Twin Reverb, combo Marshall JTM60 valvolare
01 bass amplifier. Preferred: combo Markbass 200W, combo Gallien Krueger 200W
03 stage monitors
04 sm58 microphones with stand
04 headset radiomicrophones (property of the group)
01 Sennheiser EW152 Genration radiomicrophone or Sennheiser EW135G3 radiomic
06 DI Box active
01 audio multiple socket 24/8
04 electric multiple sockets outlets on stage
20 Cannon cables 10 mt.
10 Jack cables 10 mt.
for the whole group
01 panoramic micro
Pavel 2 Ukuleles
01 DI Box, 01 radiomic (group)
Sylvian electric guitar
1 radiomic (group), electric guitar amplifier
Benjamin Ukulele, drumset
01 DI Box, 01 D112 , 02 mic over 01 mic snaredr, 1 radiomic (group)
Suren Bass, Trumpet, Ukulele case, Violin
03 DI Box, 01 micro sm58 with stand, 01 radiomic (group), bass amplifier
Octavio Trumpet, Trombone, juggler and rope walker
01 micro sm58 with stand, radiomic Sennheiser EW152 Genration or radiomic Sennheiser EW135G3
Anì (Anna) Bass Tuba, Accordeon
01 micro sm58 with stand, 02 radiomics (group)
Canali mixer:
06 Radiomicrophones
04 Microphones on stand
01 Panoramic microphone
03 Ukuleles
01 Ukulele case
01 Violin
04 Drumset
01 Electric guitar
01 Bass
02 Keyboards
Total: 24
Spazio: mt. 12 X 10 X 8
Luogo ideale: Piazza Pubblico Ideale: Adulti
Montaggio: 2h min. Smontaggio: 1hmin.
10X8 m
Black back curtain with practicable back stage, 2 black side curtains (see picture 2)
Frontal stairs
02 armless chairs (see picture 3)
01 smoke machine
01 bubble machine
01 exercise mat for acrobats' warming up
Slack rope tech rider (indoor)
Set up time:
The rope set up must be one hour before the light and sound set up, or the sound and light
must be set up a long time before the artist's arrival, following scrupulously the technical
instructions; cables and technical equipment should be put on stage after the rope set up.
During the rope set up the stage must be free and clean from persons or things. The rope
set up lasts about 30 minutes. The artist needs minimum 10 minutes of warm up time on
the slackrope each performance day with the same lighting that shall be used in the show.
It is requested that there be no other acts on the stage at this time.
Set up assistence:
1 stage hand is requested to set up and take down the slackrope rig during each show for
a minimum time of 15 minutes.
Slack rope:The slackrope rig consists of 2 x 3-meter “A-Frames” that support the rope in
the air.
Two solid anchor points are required at or near ground level, 10-15 meters apart, to
which the artist will secure the slackrope rig. The artist will bring 2 floor plates (in case
there is no solid anchor point) to be installed in the backstage area with 6 6mm screws in
each plate (the artist will not carry the floor plates with him in case he travels by plane).The
slackrope measures 6.5 meters between the supports which stand on the stage. The
anchor points can be on or off stage but should be at least 2 meters further, on each side,
than the supports (10-15 meters between anchor points). A minimum of 4 Meters of height
is also required.
Set up time:The Artist requires 1 hour to set up and test the slackrope. A person is
required also to check the place of the show and rope while the artist is dressing for the
After sunset light equipment is necessary.
Slack rope:
The slackrope rig consists of 2 x 3-meter “A-Frames” that support the rope in the air.
Two solid anchor points are required at or near ground level, 10-15 meters apart, to
which the artist will secure the slackrope rig.
Rigging Outdoors: Almost anything set into the pavement works very well to anchor the
rig. Street signs, lamp posts, bolted down benches, parking meters and secure drainage
grates can all be easily used, as most of the force is taken by the "A frame". The rig can
also be secured to stakes (1.5 meter +) set into the ground. Water tanks, cars or large size
all-terrain vehicles may also be used in the event that “staking” is not possible.
Rigging on Outdoor Stages: the Artist can anchor the rig to stable structures beyond the
stage or to the frame of stages that are secured with stakes or water tanks.
Space requirements:
The slackrope is 6.5 meters between the supports which stand on the stage. The anchor
points can be on or off stage but should be at least 2 meters further, on each side, than the
supports (10-15 meters between anchor points). A minimum of 4 Meters of height is also
For the safety of the artist as well as the audience, in crowded outdoor environments, the
promoter shall provide two helpers for the last 15 minutes of the show to protect the
security lines that hold up the rope.
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