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mercoledì 17 / 7 / 2024 | 1333 membri
ID: Psw: Scordati ID & PSW



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Ordina QUI la guida completa all'arte di strada in Europa... Un vero e proprio vademecum per chi vuole conoscere più da vicino lo spettacolo di strada europeo o ha bisogno di trovare nuovi canali per diffondere le proprie attività nel contesto internazionale.

.....Teatro do Mar (Sines)



Genere: Teatro di strada
Categoria: Nearly Big

Componenti: 10
Cachet: 3800-5000 €
Lingua: unspoken
Durata: 50 min.
  SINOPSIS / CONCEPT SOLUM is a non-verbal multimedia street theatre performance represented in one big scenic structure resembling a tree. It blends physical and visual Theatre with circus/ aerial acrobatics, video, and original music. SOLUM focuses essentially on human nature; it depicts the transformation of our cultural and emotional roots facing an idea of progress and globalization. From the natural to the artificial, from the real body to the digital body, from sharing to isolation, from the essential root to our present’s fruit, SOLUM reveals to be an allegory to the tree of life, a metaphor of universal consciousness, the strong creator of all existence.



  Spazio: mt. 15 X 30 X 10

Luogo ideale: Strada
Pubblico Ideale: Tutte le età

Montaggio: 8 h min.
Smontaggio: 4hmin.

Altro: > Electrical current triple phase (63 amp.) and mono-phase (place to be specified by the company). > Parking space (near by the place of presentation) for two trucks. > The presence of an electrician is necessary from the beginning of the set up. > Specific measures for the set up: 15m width x 30m length with minimum of 10m height. these measurements don’t include the audience area. PLEASE NOTE: the ground must be absolutely plain, without any inclination. A technical visit to the site is necessary – > A Car Crane (cherry picker with an arm of 9 meters) will be needed on the setting-up and setting-down of all Scenography. > Video projector minimum 8.000 ANSI LUMEN, hi definition, wide angle lens [Behind the screen. The distance from the screen depends on wide angle lens] > Stand (for the video projector). > Video cable (50/70 meters, with RCA jack (CINCH/AV connector) at the end of the cable. > 4 Helpers will be needed on the setting-up and setting-down of all Scenography. > Protection: it will be necessary to provide around 40 security bays. > Public lighting (at the performance area): lights must be shut down during the rehearsal and the performance (20 minutes before), because of the performance Video Projection and lighting Design. > Traffic should be cut down in the surrounding area during performance, so the noise wont interfere with the sound. > Vigilance will be necessary at the site: since the end of the set up (time to be arranged with the company), to the beginning of the performance (the next day) and until the setting-down. > A structure for the Reggie will be necessary with 3mx3m; height from the ground: 80 cm; with 2 tables and 3 chairs (for our 3 technicians). > 2 platforms for the sound speakers (80cm high, 2mX1m). > Technical deconstruction will be done as soon as performance is over. Disassembling of structures will be done in the morning of the day after. > The organizer should provide dressing-rooms with W.C., chairs, tables, mirrors, current water and electricity. > “SOLUM” dislocates a team of 10 persons. Accommodation and meals must be provided. > Rooming list: 4 double rooms and 2 single Rooms [4 nights] 1st Day – The Team arrives on the evening before the setting up day, 2nd Day – Setting–up day, 3rd Day – Performance day, 4th Day – Setting down, 5th Day – The Team travels back to Portugal. > Meals : 1st Day – Dinner, 2nd Day – Breakfast, lunch and supper, 3rd Day – Breakfast, lunch, supper and catering for the Dressing rooms, 4th Day – Breakfast, lunch and supper, 5th Day – Breakfast. NOTE: 1 member of the team is vegetarian. > Drinking Water must be provided to the Team on the performance area all days.


OPEN STREET TUBE, l'archivio video dello spettacolo dal vivo europeo

Il luogo di incontro tra chi vende e chi compra spettacoli dal vivo in Europa

CARICA le tue produzioni è mettile in vetrina sull'OPEN STREET TUBE per proporti ai festival di tutta Europa.

PARTECIPA alle Vetrine Internazionali periodiche per testare online l'interesse degli operatori verso le tue proposte artistiche.

Aprire le porte della città all'arte di strada significa evidenziare il valore degli spazi urbani destinati alla vita sociale, rafforzare la coesione all'interno delle comunità, incrementare l'attività turistica locale, creare nuovi percorsi per lo scambio e l'integrazione tra i diversi paesi europei.

La creazione di un dibattito internazionale, il confronto tra leggi, normative, modelli di strategia urbana e politiche per lo sviluppo delle arti di strada potranno condurre ad una nuova presa di coscienza e produrrà nuovi stimoli per amministratori e operatori artistici. Tale percorso non potrebbe essere intrapreso ad un semplice livello regionale o locale. Il nostro paese, ora, è l'Europa!

Creative Commons License

OPEN STREET - Anno 2024 - Association International Sans But Lucratif - Rue Washington 40, Ixelles - 1050 Bruxelles (BE) - infoopen-street.eu